Jaiku followers

Jaiku just added a service where you can see who's following your jaiku stream - aptly named "Your Followers". Aside from some fun connotations about robed priests declaring the end of the world, it immediately popped up a question:

In the Web 2.0 world, is your social success measured by the ratio of the number of people you follow to the number of people who follow you? In other words:

S = F / N,

where S = your success, F = your followers and N = the people you follow. Anybody with a score over 1.0 is for some reason gathering followers he does not know (suggesting that he or she is interesting in some sense), and anybody with a score of less than 1.0 is not. People with a score around 1.0 are probably healthy individuals with a balanced personal life. I would assume celebrities (and Jyri) have a score of 100+, but I wonder what the average is? And, are services like Facebook inherently broken because they force everyone to have an S-score of 1.0?

And, for the humour-impaired, here's a smiley ;-)

/Janne, S = 2.36


Ah, great - what fun - nothing like a new coolness index to cheer up an evening of dreary blog reading - especially when it's a number you have full control of, by first going through your own contacts and those that follow you and tuning the list accordingly :)

Tuija, S = 1,97

--Tuija, 13-Sep-2007

A friend said he hates most web2.0 sites 'cos they are "just popularity contests". I disagreed and tried to argue what function these things have. You know, thumbs up & down and reviews and statistics of who has contributed/been viewed the most yada yada. That it's not just race to the bottom.

Then I joined Facebook.

I take this is just a joke, but it still got me slightly sad rather than amused. I hope nobody takes it seriously and starts dumping contacts to better their score.

Suviko, S = 1,29

--Suviko, 13-Sep-2007

I actually added contacts prior to calculating this. I was over three before ;-)

--JanneJalkanen, 13-Sep-2007

OK well it was partly a joke but I _did_ drop some imaginary figures such as Markku from Finlanmd and Lordi before doing the math :)

--Tuija, 13-Sep-2007

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