
OK, so I've been a Mac user for about three weeks now, and here are some more opinions and impressions; mostly collected on my trips.

  • What felt light and small back home, looks so big and clunky in Japan =).
  • I just hate the stupid idea of putting an enter key exactly where the right alt key should be. How can I remap it?
  • Why the hell is the "back" key different in each application? In some, it's Apple+up; in some it's Apple+left, and in Help it's Apple+[. The button looks the same. Why does the shortcut have to be different?
  • Apparently, burning a CD-RW on a shaking Shinkansen train, on battery power while starting and stopping applications is a breeze to OSX. Way :-).
  • Why does Apple say "Suitable for Powerbook G4" when it in fact isn't? I bought a mini-DVI to Composite adapter, and it turns out it only fits the earlier model of Powerbook G4; not my newer model.
  • It really is very easy to accidentally tap the touchpad while typing, especially with the way I use the keyboard.
  • Burned CD-RWs are in HFS+. This is not too good if you want to share your iPhoto albums with others...
  • The battery performance and measurements is really good and accurate. I find it that the 4.5 hours that Apple promises is with display set to minimum brightness, no apps running and Bluetooth and WLAN both off. But hey, I still get easily three hours while doing actually something useful the whole time.
  • There are still some stability issues: this machine has crashed on me three times now; every time while waking from sleep and attempting to do something.
  • I would really, really, really like to have the backlit keyboard on the 12" model.
  • The Apple phone service is really up to date, friendly, fast, and generally a joy to deal with. However, never before have I had the need to talk to any customer service about my computer before =).


It really is very easy to accidentally tap the touchpad while typing, especially with the way I use the keyboard.

Check out System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Trackpad. There you should check "Ignore accidental trackpad input" and "Ignore trackpad when mouse is present".

- Visa

--VisaKopu, 15-Nov-2003

...yes, I tried. But unfortunately it does not help; apparently the way that I touch the trackpad with my palm as I am typing is not classified as "accidental".

Thanks for the tip, though =).

--JanneJalkanen, 15-Nov-2003

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