Toilet seat design problem

In a desperate effort to put the "ugly" and "butt" back into "Butt Ugly", I present the following innovation:

The flushing handle (marked) is put so close to the ground, that you have to lean forward to reach it. Now, this takes your face rather close to the surface of the water in the bowl, which makes it very easy (and mandatory) for you to do a thorough survey of your ... produce.

I suppose this is one way to teach humility.

(Yes, I could close the lid. But what's the fun in that?)


Well unlessyour toilet is one of the more scientific sort that actually do analyze the produce, you might as well inspect it yourself. It can't hurt to be aware of what comes out. Makes you think what stays in - an even less pleasant a thought on a long perspective.

--Tuija, 18-May-2006

But that toilet doesn't need flushing!

--Hugo, 18-May-2006

But why does it need to first fill the bowl with water and then gently stir the produce for your pleasure, before flushing it? ;-)

--JanneJalkanen, 19-May-2006

It could be very nice to operate the sink with tie. Soon to be very messy tie.

--Soopa, 19-May-2006

I found that if you flush with your left hand your torso conveniently turns away from the questionable items and the experience was a bit better.

--Joel, 21-May-2006

Too bad you couldn't kick it - a foot-operated system might've been the best.

--JanneJalkanen, 21-May-2006

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