A very timely question for me personally as I have just spent a week in Tokyo learning about keitai culture.

Mobiles will help us keep in touch more and more, alongside with broadband internet wifi services of course. We'll be able to communicate our emotions more vividly and keep virtual proximity despite physical distance.

I heard an internesting thought from a korean researcher, dt. Sophie T Wu this week at a meeting with Mo-De research group headed by Shin Mitzukoshi (see http://studieturjapan.blogspot.com/2005/10/japan-ikke-som-de-andre.html ). Dr. Wu said the concept of digital divide will no longer be about having or not having access to online services but rather, whether one can and wants to use them for ones education and enlightenment. Somewill be left out as "digital dropouts" (Wu's term for those who try the services but do not find the benefit for them). Those on the other side of the new digital divide are the unfortunete folks who only use the passive mass entertainment.

I also very muck liked the keitai-do idea presented at the "Personal, Portable, Pedestrian - Mobile phones in japanese life" (MIT Press 2005). First sign of that just might be the 3D- mobile content piece "Coral Island - (to be viewed just for enjoyment). A new concept on a mobile, to me at least.

Some snapshots from the CEATEC at flickr - ButtUgly blog readers are very welcome to comment pictures!


--Tuija, 05-Oct-2005

I have some doubts about that. Calling someone "unfortunate" because they like passive mass entertainment is like saying that everyone must be an individual.

After all, there are many people who're happy just raising kids, chatting with friends and watching TV every now and then. What is unfortunate if these people do not have the opportunity to express themselves; it should be up to everyone to choose.

--JanneJalkanen, 07-Oct-2005

it was a great presentation. i liked his perspective. things that stood out - 'connectedland', 'calm technology', 'delight', 'calm vs interruptive', ubiconnected and ubicommunictating', 'tangible object imbibed with intangible bits'.

is there any connection with nokia? he mentions chris and matt.

--charlie, 14-Oct-2005

I don't know the guy personally - perhaps Chris and Matt do?

--JanneJalkanen, 14-Oct-2005

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