Helsinkiläisnäkökulmasta SBS Finlandin pomon jorinat ovat erityisen huvittavia/raivostuttavia. Radio Helsinki on kaupungin johtava (kyllä, sanavalinta on harkittu) kunnallispolitiikkaa seuraava media, jonka vieraana erilaiset kunnallispoliitikot ja virkamiehet lautakuntien jäsenistä ylipormestariin vierailevat viikottain tentattavana.

--Timo Riitamaa, 09-Dec-2005

Paula Salovaara älähtikin tuosta kommentista melko nopeasti...

--JanneJalkanen, 09-Dec-2005

Why do you think she thinks radio is just entertainment and not a media? She may not know about podcasts, but she certainly knows about talk-radio and radio news broadcasts.

(BTW - I love this new comment interface, is it new with JSP Wiki 2.4?)

--Phil, 10-Dec-2005

Thanks! Yes, that's new. I'm running latest cutting edge code here...

She's the head of the broadcasting association of most commercial radios in Finland. Go figure.

--JanneJalkanen, 10-Dec-2005

If you lived in Britain perhaps you would listen to the radio. I think the national BBC stations are great. But then I can't stand the commercial stations; adverts on the radio just doesn't work.

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