Also: You need to know what is problem in somebodys phone when it stops working / works wrong way. Also, you need to know how to fix it. And you must have connections, that can deliver phones with serious discount or even free.

If you can't do any of mentioned above, you're an asshole.

--Jasmo, 12-Oct-2007

My N93 keeps turning itself off. Could you please fix it? I mean, you're the cellular guy, right?

--Merten, 12-Oct-2007

Jasmo: haven't had that for a while... But then again, I like showing people functions of the phones they didn't know existed! :-)

--JanneJalkanen, 12-Oct-2007

Although I work for a much smaller company than Nokia or Microsoft, I get similar comments concerning my field of work and related matters.


--Timo, 13-Oct-2007

Happens to everybody, I guess. I'm responsible, for some reason, for the telemarketers who sell our magazine. Or any magazine. Is your daily newspaper clueless? Well hell, blame any journo you meet, it's his fault anyway, somehow.

--Kari Haakana, 14-Oct-2007

Heh, I guess this is true. It's interesting to be working in an emotional industry.

--JanneJalkanen, 14-Oct-2007

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