I think it's because VR is beginning to offer 3 pendolino trains/routes to Seinäjoki, the home of the puukkojunkkarit ;)

IMHO, they should begin offering one to the eastern border as well - I just took a train to Lappeenranta and there were 50 to 60 extra people without a seat on the train, I was one of them :)

--Antti, 17-Oct-2004

It's my understanding that the eastern track is in a pretty bad shape at the moment, so fast trains would bring no advantage. However, they are fixing it, and after the new Helsinki-Lahti track, trip times to Lappeenranta will be in the order of 2-2.5 hours.

--JanneJalkanen, 17-Oct-2004

Oho! Se ei ollutkaan mikään mainosjuttu vaan ihan oikea.

--ElinaA, 18-Oct-2004

Haa! Oltiin melkein samaan aikaan samassa paikassa! Minä olin paikalla kun paita liehui vielä kiinnittämättä... Small world. Eikä sillä ole väliä, kuinka monta junavuoroa Lappeenrantaan lisätään, hinta hirvittää köyhänä opiskelijana, jolla ei ole alennusetua... Snif.

--Spinsteri, 19-Oct-2004

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