At least you *had* a computer.

We got our first computer in 1988 or so. Before that, I read the Basic books my father got somewhere, probably from his work. I then wrote the programs I wanted to do on paper, because I had no computer. The first non-trivial program I wrote was a roulette simulation, in quite generic Basic.

The next day after writing it, I went to a friend's place and we wrote the program into his C=64. Then we played roulette. I don't remember if we saved in on a cassette, but at least I still have the program on paper.

I also might be a bit of a geek: couple of years after I got the first computer (an XT clone) I had gotten also Turbo Pascal 6.0 and did Pascal stuff. Some years ago I found a list of personal improvements we did I think in the beginning of the eight grade. One of the things I had written was "Learn 80x86 assembler". I also did that, and wrote programs with it.

--Pare, 24-Feb-2013

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