What this does prove of course is that HS is totally clueless on building or maintaining an interesting and intelligent discussion community, that would be in par with the quality of their articles. (Tip: how you design your discussion board matters. Quite a lot, actually.)

--Jere Majava, 27-Nov-2009

Well, going through all those comments was as close to self-mutilation as I care to be, so I would be inclined to agree with you.

--JanneJalkanen, 27-Nov-2009

But they're working on it!

Not the discussion board, the article quality. The Errata section seems to be the only one that got larger during their latest redesign.

--Jouni Seppänen, 27-Nov-2009

"So I spent an hour and I went through each comment"

Bigger bang for your buck, umm Euro, is time spent with your son. My head exploded 3 mins in, and I would not have been so good about entering the "information". The site is a minor disaster.....

--Fosterr, 27-Nov-2009

Well, true, but sometimes you gotta do stupid stuff too, yes? ;-)

--JanneJalkanen, 27-Nov-2009

Sort of related, BBC's climate summit blog has a post "Climate 'scepticism' and questions about sex": http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/richardblack/2009/12/cop15_questions_about_sex.html

--Suviko, 15-Dec-2009

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