Infrared? Why? Are they using it for those payments or something?

--erkka, 31-May-2007

As far as I know, no. ~FeliCa is the payment system (very similar to the Helsinki public transport card).

--JanneJalkanen, 31-May-2007

If infrared is considered easier to use and more secure than BT to send information to others? In BT you need to put BT on, find the other device from a list of devices (that can be potentially very long, if you are in a crowded place. Are there other kind of places in Japan?) and then the information will be sent. In IR, you do not need to find the other device. It is also easier to trust IR to be secure channel than BT. In BT you have to trust the technology to keep you safe from eavesdropping whereas in IR undetected eavesdropping is next to impossible.

--Nimril, 01-Jun-2007

Hi Janne:

I noticed your link referral (thanks), although suica only relates to the JR (Japan Rail) version of RFID.. try FeliCa:

Meanwhile, a couple of other quick comments..

While we see many data apps here (digital tv now of course too) it's interesting to note that while of course everyone can see everyone else using their phones on the train, actually the most popular usage location - by far - is at home!

As for your question about what people do with IR.. mostly it's P2P swapping of contact info. and photos.. 8-)



--Wireless Watch Japan, 01-Jun-2007

Yes, I remember hearing the same comments from elsewhere too: that mobile tv use is most common at home. Something about having a "private" tv instead of a "mobile" tv...

Thanks for the info!

--JanneJalkanen, 01-Jun-2007

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