heheh well babblefish is most of the times at a loss, now you know ahat we go through when trying to transalte something other than english into portuguese. anyway, more or less what i have said was that you found important to teach humanity how to turn a big mac into oat meals, so that one might drink it as a milkshake whenever the urge called for it. (fortunately the idiot part was directed towards some websites I have found earlier on ;)) BTW ithe end result IS butt ugly...

--, 10-Dec-2003

Heh. Thanks, mate =)

And I'm a Finn, and I don't even *get* Babelfish for my language =). So we are in the same boat, only deeper.

--JanneJalkanen, 10-Dec-2003

Left you and the sudden incoming traffic from your blogspace a little gift ;) Keep on mincing stuff...

--, 10-Dec-2003

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